
MUSIC VIDEO: “E.T.” – Katy Perry Feat. Kanye West
March 31, 2011, 2:32 pm
Filed under: Music Video, Pop Music | Tags: ,

Now that’s some effing POP CULTURE!!! Wow! I actually love this! Katy Perry could probably slaughter the Jonas Brothers at this point and I’d still love her, but wow! This is a beyond over the top, extravagant display of pop culture. Pop has always involved that strange sense of futurism (“Oops I Did It Again” anyone?) and this just nailed it on the head. The colors are beautiful (pink and purple, Jillboard colors!), the effects rule… The Katy-Perry-alien-embodiment is a little bit frightening, but I can forgive her. There’s also this one really quick scene of animals having sex if you look closely – I guess it’s part of the “art” of it all. The end confuses me a bit, I don’t want to give it away so just watch it. You’ll be weirded out and confused. But I love this supernatural, extraterrestrial stuff SO much. Major two thumbs up from me. If I had more thumbs, they’d be up too. I hate the word “props” but I’ll give them to Katy. Abduct me, Katy!

P.S. – Where can pop music even go now? We have Little Monsters, Barbies, Animals, Aliens… What’s next!? Plant life?


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ALBUM REVIEW: Femme Fatale – Britney Spears
March 29, 2011, 6:45 pm
Filed under: Album Review, Electronic, Pop Music | Tags:

Happy Britney Day!!!

I was horrifyingly disappointed that I couldn’t buy a physical copy today of Britney’s new album, Femme Fatale, as it was only released on iTunes this morning. Stupid iTunes. This album is quite awesome in many aspects, but I have to say I’m ever-so-not-want-to-admittingly disappointed.

All the songs are pop perfrction, without a doubt. They perfectly harness new sounds and technology while also keeping that classic Britney sound. Same goes for lyricism and production – great blend of today’s sound (thanks Dr. Luke & Max Martin) with Britney’s traditional epic pop diva sound (especially on the will.i.am track). Luckily, I wasn’t expecting any vocally challenging material, so I wasn’t let down at all by that. I mean, it’s Britney, c’mon. We love her for what she gives us. Overall, I’m happy about it. I love Britney, and drool over getting to hear new material by her. I can’t really pick favorites at this point, although I am thoroughly smitten with “Till The World Ends”. I need a couple weeks to really digest and obsess over the album to get a better feel for it. “Trouble For Me” and “Up ‘N Down” are sick techno-ey tracks, and I also love the slow, electronic beat on “Inside Out”. “Don’t Keep Me Waiting” is a bit heavier, and I really am smitten with its edgy feel. “Criminal” is also an incredible midtempo song. The whole album is definitely a more electro feel than Britney has ever pursued, which is really where pop music is heading, so good for her. However, “Baby One More Time” used real instrumentation and was a smash beyond belief… Which leads me to the disappointment.

The whole album feels like an icy surface to me. There is NO depth – you can barely scratch the surface of it. As much as I love Britney, I feel like she never exposes any real depth to herself. Everyone that reads my blog knows I’m a huge pop music junkie and love listening to brain-melting, simple, stupid songs, because they’re fun. I guess since I’m such a big Brit-head I was just looking for a little something MORE out of her. More variety, more emotion, more depth, I don’t know. Just more.

With that being said, the songs are sooo catchy and fun and I really do LOVE them. In true Britney style, she has captivated me with her hypnotizing, danceable songs that I want to scream the lyrics to. I’m really impressed by the A+ production – there’s such cool sounds that differ with each track, like whistling and bubbles (“How I Roll”.. such a cool song!). The hooks are repetitive but amazing.. So while I am very happy about the album, I guess I just set my expectations way too high. Truth is, she’ll never be “Baby One More Time” Britney again, and I deal with change very badly. I need to take a deep breath and embrace the new, more mature Britney. It cuts me DEEP!

On the brainless pop scale of Ke$ha to Taylor Swift, this album falls on a solid Katy Perry. Britney does always manage to be clever, and Femme Fatale is certainly packed with suggestive double entendres. I feel like I’m in a bad mood today and would give a different review if it was warmer out. That’s probably defying the cardinal rule of journalism, but maybe I’m the Ke$ha of journalism. Nah, I’d give myself a solid Katy Perry as well. I guess all I can say is it’s easy to let disappointments get the best of you, even when something really good is right in front of your face. So, congrats on a not-epic-but-still-amazing album, Britney! How does she keep me so loyal?! Ugh LOVE HER!


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“Turn It Up” – Daniela Brooker
March 28, 2011, 12:15 pm
Filed under: Pop Music | Tags:

Turn It Up” (Right click + “Save link as” to DL)

*Please read in British accent*

Oy chaps get ready for a brilliant pop song straight out of Wimbeldon! Blimey! Bollocks! This 17-year old rising pop star just released her new single that I quite fancy. I’m not sure why I feel the need to write this post in a British accent just because Daniella is from England, but bloody hell I love British people! Let me gallavant about my codswallop, crikey! I’m feeling jolly about this fun little summer ditty – it’s got tastes of pop, rock, and even a twist of Latino. Daniella is definitely someone to look out for, as she’s been cooking up some jams with members of The Kooks and Jamiroquai. This song is really the mutt’s nuts. The bees knees. Got to get back to tea time now, cheerio!

Disclaimer: I hope I didn’t say anything rude because I’m really not sure what half those words mean, I just love British people. And don’t call me ig’nant cause I’ve got Brits in my family. Piss off!


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THROWBACKULOSIS: “Walk Like An Egyptian (Bassnectar Remix)” – The Bangles
March 28, 2011, 11:53 am
Filed under: Covers/Sampled, Electronic, Pop Music, Rock | Tags: ,

Walk Like An Egyptian (Bassnectar Remix)” (Right click + “Save link as” to DL)

So this is my guinea pig for throwback posts – I’m going to start taking some of my favorite throwback songs and posting epic remixes of them. This idea all started 4 minutes ago. Just trying to keep it current.. This past week I’ve been heavily infected with 80’s Fever, which is clinically referred to as Throwbackulosis. I spent 3 hours of my Friday night making a MASSIVE 80s playlist (I’m cool, I know…) and changed my ringtone to “Walk Like An Egyptian”. So I’m sitting in class right now, and just for shets & gegs, I decided to YouTube “Walk Like An Egyptian remix”. Not only was I shocked that there was more than one result, but I was beyond pleasantly surprised to see the first result was a dubstep remix by BASSNECTAR! What!? And it’s recent (2011) too! Could that have worked out anymore perfectly?! I’m sitting here drooling with one headphone in, grinning like an ass. People are staring.. Anyway, tell me what you think – should Throwbackulosis be a recurring theme? Can’t hurt, right?

Someone sample Spice Girls and I’ll marry you.


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MUSIC VIDEO: “Top Of The World” – The Cataracs Feat. Dev
March 26, 2011, 6:26 pm
Filed under: College, Electronic, Music Video, Pop Music | Tags: ,

This song came out sooo long ago and the video JUST came out. However, that only helped it succeed – raking in over 1 million views in its first week. Holy guacamole. I’ve loved this song since it came out, but I can’t say the same about the video. It’s kind of DISGUSTING. You’ll like this if you are a guy or a lesbian. Otherwise, here’s your disclaimer: Jillboard does not support whore-house music videos with excessive, dirty touching. There’s a difference between innuendo/suggestive material and straight up sucio. I really expected better things for this video. The song’s still awesome though. AWESOME.


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“Rolling In The Deep (Cover)” – John Legend
March 25, 2011, 5:05 pm
Filed under: Acoustic, Alternative, Pop Music, R&B | Tags: ,

Wow! I, like most humans, are thoroughly smitten with Adele’s hit single “Rolling In The Deep” off her new album 21. Picture that song in your mind. Light acoustic guitar, awesome lyrics, and Adele’s skilled (understatement) vocals. Now, picture John Legend’s smooooth vocals over that. Ahhhh, feels good, right? Now, listen and enjoy this showcase of talent with John Legend’s “Rolling In The Deep” cover. It has a strong focus on vocals. Which it should.


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“Sicka Than Yo Average” – Adair Lion
March 25, 2011, 4:59 pm
Filed under: Alternative, Covers/Sampled, Hip Hop | Tags:

Sicka Than Yo Average” (Right click + “Save link as” to DL)

Not that this is any sort of pun with any relation to the song title AT ALL, but this is definitely sicka than yo’ average. Upcoming rapper, Adair Lion, has an awesome name. He also released an awesome song with an overused Biggie sampling that doesn’t sound overused. Instead, he embraces it in the best way possible and makes an incredibly alternative song. So good. Open your ears to the newest cool rapper with the coolest name around!


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Introducing: Ryan Shubert
March 25, 2011, 4:52 pm
Filed under: Acoustic, College, Pop Music, Rock | Tags:

Introducing: Ryan Shubert! If you’re looking for some collegey-Slightly-Stoopidish music with a twist of pop music, you’ve met your match. Ryan sent me his debut EP in one of the nicest email submissions I’ve received to date. He sounds like a genuinely nice, passionate guy. The kind of guy you want to take home to your mother.

Is anyone else preparing their summer playlists early? I am. Call it Spring Fever, call it being delusional, whatever – SUMMER’S COMING! Ryan Shubert’s beachy, light, smooth songs are a perfect addition to Summer ’11 playlists. Ryan is a fellow Temple University native with Michael Cameron. If you like Slightly Stoopid’s style (the music, not the weed), or John Mayer, you’ll love this guy. In his words, “The subject matter of my music is all true to my life experiences while living at college”. Check out Ryan’s Facebook page by clicking here. Make sure you pick up his 3-song EP, Halfway Past Tomorrow

Stream Halfway Past Tomorrow here.

Buy Halfway Past Tomorrow on iTunes HERE.

“As a daily reader and enthusiast of your blog, I would like to sincerely thank you for taking the time to consider featuring my music.” – Ryan Shubert.

Aw stawwwp Ryan…

P.S. Happy FRIDAY! Try not to dance around your room to Rebecca Black too much!


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“Friday (DUBSTEP REMIX)” – Rebecca Black
March 24, 2011, 3:59 pm
Filed under: Pop Music | Tags:

Friday (DUBSTEP Remix)” (Right click + “Save link as” to DL)

Finally, some Rebecca Black I can get behind! JKLOLZ I can not get behind any Rebecca Black. Today we spent an hour and a half class period in Advanced Business of Music talking about Rebecca Black from a business perspective. There’s no business like show business, eh?

This is the best cover/remix I’ve heard of the abysmal sensation known as “Friday”, so I thought I should throw it up there. No hate comments, cause I’ll throw hate comments right back at you.


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“Living The Dream” – Mark Manceri
March 23, 2011, 3:27 pm
Filed under: College, Hip Hop, Pop Music | Tags:

Living The Dream” (Right click + “Save link as” to DL)

Mark just sent me this track and my first reaction was “Oooh, catchy!”. However, after a few listens, it becomes a bit redundant. It’s definitely college-y and fun and such, in fact I actually thought it was Loggy at first… But I’m leaving this one up to you guys – Yes or No? On a scale of No to Yes I’m like a 6.5-7. Penny for your thoughts?


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